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For the Classroom

How to download the lesson guides:

  • Use the "Download all" button below, OR

  • Click on each picture to read and download individual lesson


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TEMPO in the Classroom: A Guide for Teachers   

   Teachers everywhere are using Podcasts as a teaching tool. In consultation with the TEMPO team, Kelli Sherwin, a teacher with over 25 years of experience, has created a lesson plan to accompany each episode of TEMPO. These Google Slide lessons are easily accessible and ready to assign to students. Although TEMPO is appropriate for students in Grades 3-6, it specifically aligns with these 2023 Grade 4 Ontario Language Expectations:


   A2. Digital Media Literacy

demonstrate and apply the knowledge and skills needed to interact safely and responsibly in online environments, use digital and media tools to construct knowledge, and demonstrate learning as critical consumers and creators of media


   B1. Oral and Non-Verbal Communication

apply listening, speaking, and non-verbal communication skills and strategies to

understand and communicate meaning in formal and informal contexts and for various purposes and audiences


   C1. Knowledge about Texts

apply foundational knowledge and skills to understand a variety of texts, including digital

and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, and demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, features, and elements of style associated with various text forms and genres


   C2. Comprehension Strategies

apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, listening to, and viewing a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experiences, in order to understand and clarify the meaning of texts


   C3. Critical Thinking in Literacy

apply critical thinking skills to deepen understanding of texts, and analyze how various perspectives and topics are communicated and addressed in a variety of texts, including digital, media, and cultural texts


   In addition to completing the lessons, students can demonstrate what they have

learned by creating posters, artwork and song lyrics. On top of it all, students can

deepen their understanding of how having a Growth Mindset can lead to successful

outcomes AND get in their Daily Physical Activity (DPA) by grooving to the tunes

at the end of each of the podcasts!


"TEMPO" A Podcast Musical 




Forms, Conventions, and Techniques

A2.4 demonstrate an understanding of the forms, conventions, and techniques of digital and media texts, consider the impact on the audience, and apply this understanding when analyzing and creating texts


Media, Audience, and Production

A2.5 demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships between the form, message, and context of texts, the intended audience, and the purpose for production


Innovation and Design

A2.6 select and use appropriate digital and media tools to support the design process and address authentic, relevant, real-world problems by developing innovative solutions


Listening Strategies for Comprehension

B1.2 select and use a variety of listening strategies before, during, and after listening to comprehend information and messages communicated orally and non-verbally, express interest in what is being said at appropriate times, seek clarification, and develop an appropriate response


Knowledge about Texts

C1. apply foundational knowledge and skills to understand a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experiences, and demonstrate an understanding of the patterns, features, and elements of style associated with various text forms and genres


Activating Prior Knowledge

C2.1 identify and explain prior knowledge from various sources, including personal experiences, that they can use to make connections and understand new texts


Monitoring of Understanding: Making and Confirming Predictions

C2.3 make predictions using background knowledge, text features, and evidence from the text, and pose questions to check whether their predictions were correct


Monitoring of Understanding: Making Connections

C2.5 describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledge and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them


Summarizing: Identifying Relevant Information and Drawing Conclusions

C2.6 summarize the main idea of a text and the supporting details in sequence, and draw a simple conclusion


Making Inferences

C3.2 make local and global inferences, using explicit and implicit evidence, to extend their understanding of various texts


Analyzing Texts

C3.3 analyze various texts, including literary and informational texts, by identifying main and supporting ideas, sequencing the events of multiple plots, and explaining cause and effect


Analyzing Cultural Elements of Texts

C3.4 identify cultural elements that are represented in various texts, including norms, values, artifacts, sports, and music, investigate the meanings of these elements, and make connections to their lived experience and culture


Analysis and Response

C3.6 explain how various topics, such as diversity, inclusion, and accessibility, are addressed in texts, and describe what insights or messages are conveyed

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